简介:As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat peop
简介:Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) is a police detective who transfers from Atlanta to Los Angeles to head up a special unit of
简介:Max Irons以主演加盟Audience Network直接预订10集的《秃鹰 Condor》,该剧根据1975年的政治惊悚片《秃鹰七十二小时 Three Days of the Condor》所改篇。Max Irons将饰演Joe Turner,该角在电影中由Ro bert Redford饰演
简介:Showtime电视台正式宣布剧集《拉字至上:Q世代(Q The L Word: Generation Q )》获得续订,第三季一共10集,剧集运营依然由前两季的Marja-Lewis Ryan负责, 原作创始人Ilene Chaiken以及演员Jennifer Beals, Kate Moenni